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Yesterday’s unsung hero, Barbara, was impacted by Sam Hershey interacting with his mentally and physically handicapped son, Shad. When she feels alone, she remembers that young man who was profoundly disabled held tight by his father as he “sang,” and Barbara realizes that she is never alone. She is always held tight by her heavenly Father.
Let me tell you my most impactful memory of Sam Hershey. I’ve worked with and around Sam for nearly 20 years and been in many meetings with Sam, his wife, Shirley, and their son, Shad, in attendance. For the Hersheys, it’s always a logistical challenge. They travel by specially-equipped van and often have a private-duty nurse with them, but not always. You need to know that Sam and Shirley had two sons. The older, I’m told, was extraordinary: bright, loved Jesus, responsible, etc. Anything you could wish for in a son. Tragically, he was killed on a California freeway, changing a tire (while following all the right safety precautions).
I heard Sam preach, and I’ve sat through many training sessions with him, but here’s what sticks with me the most. Back in the early 2000s, he prepared what he called a “life message:” lessons he’d learned through the various experiences (many difficult!) that he and Shirley had lived through. I remember nothing from that presentation except the last slide, containing nothing but a bible verse, Psalm 16.6. This is how I presented it soon after he shared, and I shared the verse with Barbara and others the other day. Remember, two sons, one killed on a California freeway, another profoundly disabled:
What a testimony about Sam and his wife.
Tears! How dare I EVER complain?!? 🙁