What Are Muslims Praying For?

I have a friend who has been actively working with Muslims for many years now. He recently sent this picture:

It’s a map showing all the countries of the world and what percent of them are Muslim.

He writes:

I got to visit a mosque with [another American Christian working with Muslims]. I was speaking Arabic, while he was speaking Urdu, and we were invited back into their prayer room. Inside the prayer room I took a photo of their “prayer map”- this is what they see – this is what they are praying for. What are we praying for?  Where are we going? What risks are we taking?

He then cited Psalm 2.8:

Ask of me and I will make the nations your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession.

We believe as heirs with Jesus, we can ask and receive!

Amen. Bless you, my brother.

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