Lasting Ministry

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I wrote yesterday about “lasting fruit” from John 15.16, the idea that one can turn ordinary fruit or ordinary ministry (like doing a funeral) into lasting fruit by leading someone to faith in Christ in a conversation. Here’s more.

When I was on church staff about 15 years ago, I brought in my long-time Navigator friend Rich Berry for a one-day workshop. Among his teachings were how to have daily time with God (maybe you’ve heard me speak of that before!). Anyway, everyone loved him, and about a year later, he came back for an evening seminar. One of the participants told Rich: “When you were here last year, my wife really enjoyed your teaching on daily time with God. In fact, she put it into practice, and it was a great comfort to her in her last days. She was ill and has since passed away.”

A success story? Yes, of course. I’m glad the lady was able to have quality time with God in the last year of her life. But here’s the sad part. This couple was in their 60s. The husband was a licensed local pastor. Why had someone not taught them this decades ago? It goes back to what I wrote about the map and the compass: knowledge AND skills.

Here’s another example: I was talking with a pastor at a denominational conference, and he told me: “Studying and preaching the word; there’s nothing better than studying and preaching the word.” I responded, “I can think of something better: teaching someone else how to study and pass on the word.” The thought had not occurred to him, but it was the heart of Jesus’ strategy with his disciples. “He appointed twelve that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach.” (Mark 3.14, NIV)

Jesus did such a good job that in Acts 1, after he ascended into heaven, the apostles made plans to do exactly what he told them to do: “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” A friend of mine calls this the Great Conclusion: we can do this!

None of us is going to be here forever. We must do everything we can to turn our ministry into lasting ministry.

Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office. (Hebrews 7.23, NIV)

The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2 Timothy 2.2, NIV, emphasis mine)

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