Priests in ALL Places!

We observed yesterday that through Jesus we have moved from “priests in a place” to “priests in ALL places.” We are the priests, and it’s our job to “proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2.9)

I just discovered a marvelous story, reported by World Magazine about Denver’s own Randy Gradishar, who was just inducted into football’s Hall of Fame last week. It’s embarrassing to read about this in a national publication, but if this story was covered locally, I don’t know by whom. Anyway, here it is:

Randy Gradishar on Saturday dedicated his Pro Football Hall of Fame induction to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a Saturday speech at the hall in Canton, Ohio. The former linebacker was there to be remembered as a member of the Denver Broncos’ “Orange Crush” defense in the 1970s. Gradishar referenced a recent sermon series his pastor preached on the book of Nehemiah about individuals who make a difference in the lives of others and the world around him. Gradishar characterized his wife and his parents as difference-makers in his life, but credited one person with giving him the best invitation he’d ever received.

What exactly was that invitation? Former NFL running back Archie Griffin, who attended Ohio State University alongside Gradishar, invited Gradishar to a campus Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible study. Gradishar grew up in church but never heard the gospel of salvation preached to him, he said. At that FCA meeting, he heard that gospel for the first time. During his Hall of Fame speech decades later, Gradishar credited that Bible study with teaching him four truths...

At the age of 22, Gradishar accepted Christ as his Savior. Fifty years later, at the Pro Ball of Fame on Saturday, Gradishar thanked Griffin for inviting him to that Bible study.Josh Schumacher, World Magazine, August 5, 2024. (The whole article includes a summary of what some of you will recognize as “The Four Spiritual Laws.” The “speech” link above connects with the official Hall of Fame story and includes a link to Randy’s entire speech.)

Randy Gradishar, former linebacker for the Denver Broncos, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, August 3, 2024.

So this blog is a shout-out, not to Randy Gradishar, but to Archie Griffith, who, as a sophomore, invited his teammate, Randy Gradishar, a senior at the time, to a Bible study. Archie was one of God’s “priests in ALL places,” even a football team at Ohio State University.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2.9, ESV)

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