2,000 Days!

Today, June 27, 2024, marks 2,000 consecutive days of publishing the Ewellogy. The streak started on January 6, 2019. The blog had already been in existence, but I had published 32 blogs between January 9, 2014, and January 5, 2019. 32 blogs in 5 years! Now it’s been 2,007 blogs in just under 5 1/2 years. Why the difference in production? And how did it happen?

First, of course, is the commitment. I wrote about that when reflecting on the first 1,000 days, citing Cal Ripken who holds the Major League record for the most consecutive baseball games played. If I had to make a decision every day whether to write or not, I’m pretty sure I’d miss A LOT of days!

Second, one has to wonder where the ideas come from. The answer is they come day by day, and they often come while the writing is occurring. Even if I think I know exactly where a blog is going, I sometimes end up with something different. As the old saying goes, “You can’t steer a parked car.”

Finally, when I was publishing only occasionally, there was always the feeling that I was looking for something “good enough.” Now, I have to go with what comes up and publish it “ready or not.” To change the metaphor, I can’t try for a “home run” every day, but I hope I’m at least hitting singles.

Thank you for reading. I don’t know who most of you are nor how many of you there are, so I’d love it if you’ve never commented before, if you’d check in. There are two ways to do that. You can leave a comment after this or any blog. If you don’t want your comment visible to anyone else, just say so. No comment goes live until I approve it. The second way to check in is to just write me an email, bob@ewell.com.

Again, thanks for reading. We’ll finish 1 Kings tomorrow.

This is the post to which I’ve been assigned—keeping you alert with frequent reminders—and I’m sticking to it as long as I live. (2 Peter 1.13, MSG)

It was Sunday and I was in the Spirit, praying. I heard a loud voice behind me, trumpet-clear and piercing: “Write what you see into a book…” (Revelation 1.10 – 11, MSG)

5 thoughts on “2,000 Days!”

  1. Congratulations Bob. You are the Lou Gehrig of Christian blogging! Your blogs are read and seldom missed by me. I especially hold and recycle the ones on discipling the ordinary followers of Christ.

    1. You’re my hero, James. Thank you. And, like me, you remember Lou Gehrig as the original holder of the record for consecutive games!

  2. Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 Well done! I enjoy reading them except when you (or the Spirit?!) starts meddling. I love the 2nd Peter verse. I am trying to disciple a woman who went through a period of being very excited and was following the Lord closely. Then she dropped off the map for a while…. Till she needed us for something. The verse about frequent reminders was an encouragement to me. I think she really wants to grow, but life has just gotten in the way right now. So thank you! I will persevere with her.

  3. Better than just hitting singles… I think you’re batting well into major league averages!

  4. My reading percentage doesn’t compare with your blogging percentage by any means, but your faithfulness inspires me, nonetheless, even if it’s simply to catch up.

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