One-mistake Air Force?

We’re beginning the back and forth narrative of the kings: “X was king in Judah, beginning his reign at age Y during the Zth year of the reign of W in Israel…” and so on. 1 Kings 14 records the death of Jeroboam’s son (an interesting story involving Jeroboam’s wife (see 1 Kings 14.1 – 20) and pronounced judgment on the house of Jeroboam because of his sin with the golden calves.

Chapter 15 starts the usual way:

In the eighteenth year of the rule of Jeroboam son of Nebat, Abijah took over the throne of Judah. He ruled in Jerusalem three years. His mother was Maacah daughter of Absalom. He continued to sin just like his father before him. He was not truehearted to GOD as his great-grandfather David had been. But despite that, out of respect for David, his GOD graciously gave him a lamp, a son to follow him and keep Jerusalem secure. (1 Kings 15.1 – 4, MSG)

Remember, the Kingdom of Judah has only one dynasty: David. Dynasties in Israel change regularly as we’ll see shortly.

But here’s the kicker, the account of Abijah adds an intriguing sentence from whence the title of this blog: “One-mistake Air Force.” That’s a slogan we all coined after years of observation. One major mistake, and your career is over, at least your upward mobility is over. Is God’s Kingdom a one-mistake operation? You’d think so, given God’s holiness and justice.

But look at what the scripture says about David:

For David had lived an exemplary life before GOD all his days, not going off on his own in willful defiance of GOD’s clear directions (except for that time with Uriah the Hittite). (1 Kings 15.5, MSG)

“An exemplary life before God all his days, not going off on his own in willful defiance of God’s clear directions…” Except, of course, for that little matter involving Uriah…” – adultery and murder!

That says a lot about God’s forgiveness, doesn’t it? We would have put David under the jail! Apparently God is not like the “one-mistake Air Force.” I’ve seen senior commanders relieved of duty for indiscretions involving young female airmen.

Of course there were consequences, and David repented:

Then David confessed to Nathan, “I’ve sinned against GOD.” (2 Samuel 12.13, MSG)

Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight– That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge. (Psalm 51.1 – 4, NKJV)

And God is a God of unimaginable grace:

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. (Psalm 86.5, NKJV)

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