The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer

We’re coming to the end of King David’s life. 2 Samuel 22, which we’ll look at shortly, is a song of praise for God’s faithfulness. Chapter 23 lists his mighty men – definitely worth a look. There’s one more “oops” in chapter 24. The story continues into 1 Kings without a break.

Today: 2 Samuel 22, which is nearly identical to Psalm 18. Many psalms contain an introduction, which appears as an unnumbered verse in most of our Bibles. The introduction in Psalm 18 is verse 1 in 2 Samuel 22, and Psalm 18 starts with the short phrase, “I love you O Lord, my strength.” Otherwise, the two are the same except for the verse numbers. The two screen shots compare Psalm 18.0 – 3 with 2 Samuel 22.1 – 4.

Back to 2 Samuel 22: it’s long, 51 verses, filled with a combination of “things were really bad” but “God stepped in and saved me.” I encourage you to take time to read it for yourself. 2 Samuel 22 I’ve linked you to The Message, which I have been reading this year, but you can easily change translations if you want.

Here are a few snippets that jumped out at me:

5  The waves of death crashed over me, devil waters rushed over me.
6  Hell’s ropes cinched me tight; death traps barred every exit.
7  A hostile world! I called to GOD, to my God I cried out. From his palace he heard me call; my cry brought me right into his presence— a private audience!

15  God shot his arrows—pandemonium! He hurled his lightnings—a rout!
16  The secret sources of ocean were exposed, the hidden depths of earth lay uncovered The moment GOD roared in protest, let loose his hurricane anger.
17  But me he caught—reached all the way from sky to sea; he pulled me out
18  Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos, the void in which I was drowning.

21  GOD made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.
23  Every day I review the ways he works, I try not to miss a trick.
24  I feel put back together, and I’m watching my step.
25  GOD rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.

32  Is there any god like GOD? Are we not at bedrock?
33  Is not this the God who armed me well, then aimed me in the right direction?
34  Now I run like a deer; I’m king of the mountain.
35  He shows me how to fight; I can bend a bronze bow!
36  You protect me with salvation-armor; you touch me and I feel ten feet tall.

48  This God set things right for me and shut up the people who talked back.
49  He rescued me from enemy anger. You pulled me from the grip of upstarts, You saved me from the bullies.
50  That’s why I’m thanking you, GOD, all over the world. That’s why I’m singing songs that rhyme your name.

“Every day I review the way he works…” Not a bad reason for our daily discipline!

PS June was just talking with one of the women she’s in spiritual direction with. The woman works with special needs kids in a school and one of her co-workers is constantly harassing her. Verse 7: “A hostile world!” applies. Verse 49 has the promise: “He rescued me from enemy anger…you saved me from the bullies.”

One thought on “The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer”

  1. Amen!! I loved all the storm metaphors in 2 Sam 22 – earthquake, thunderstorms, hurricanes (?) and then the verses showing us how God meets us in those storms!

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