Bill’s Life Rules

My friend and fellow Navigator staff Bill Mowry, author of Ways of the Alongsider, sent me his “Life Rules” before a one-to-one Zoom meeting a few days ago.

When I saw the file title, I thought it was a list that included these words of wisdom that I’ve heard Bill articulate often:

  • Life is too short to work with people you don’t have good chemistry with.
  • Life is too short for one more meeting.

Those are good rules! But not the ones he calls “Life Rules.” He has nine, and they are good ones, reproduced here with his permission:

  • I’m enjoying God’s presence and I’m faithful to His purposes in the rhythms and routines of life.
  • I will grow a marriage with Peggy marked by fun, intimacy, and an ever-growing faith.
  • I will live generously — giving away my gifts, wisdom and time to write, teach, and coach.
  • I will cultivate a wise and thoughtful life through the wisdom of God’s word, mentors, books, and lifelong learning.
  • I will invest in and enjoy a small circle of friends while growing my local circle of acquaintances and new friends.
  • I will practice living within limits, caring for my body so that I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally able to serve God and others.
  • I will slow down to savor God’s goodness in creation, culture, and life’s routines avoiding analysis, criticism, and complaining.
  • I will practice creativity by thinking, writing, gardening, and pioneering.
  • I will invest in the local, loving my neighbors and my neighborhood — pushing back the darkness and bringing in the light.

Both in our 70s, we discussed the importance of “living within limits” and “slowing down to savor God’s goodness…” Bill would be honored if any of us integrated one or more of these “rules” into our lives.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90.12, ESV)

Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: (1 Peter 4.10, MSG)

3 thoughts on “Bill’s Life Rules”

  1. Wow!! Like that one too – ” I will slow down to savor God’s goodness in creation, culture, and life’s routines avoiding analysis, criticism, and complaining.” But it was the last part that caught my attention! Those 3 things are some of my besetting sins! 😫

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