Finishing Strong

When we moved to Colorado with the Air Force in 1984, we attended the same church as Air Force Academy football coach Fisher DeBerry and two of his staff. All three participated in a discipleship class I led. Fisher is a strong believer. I’ve seen him coach a night game away on Saturday night, fly into Colorado Springs around 3 a.m. Sunday morning, and be at the 8 a.m. service.

He retired from coaching at the Academy in 2006 and was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2011. Now, at age 85, he lives in Tulsa, OK, with LuAnn, his wife of 59 years. Paul Batura, a local columnist, interviewed Fisher recently and wrote Coach DeBerry finds key to happiness and fulfillment, which was published in our local newspaper on January 15, 2024. It’s a good read in its entirety. Here are some snippets:

When settling on a day to talk, DeBerry stressed Thursdays were better than Tuesdays because of volunteer responsibilities at their church. DeBerry may have retired from coaching, but he clearly believes in the adage that to retire is to expire. The Fisher DeBerry Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to helping single moms and their children, plus numerous other charitable causes, also consumes a lot of the coach’s time. Hundreds of children will get to go to camp this coming summer because of the ongoing effort.

[Re leadership development] He even kept a sign in his office…“A coach’s success is not measured by wins and losses but by the men your players become.”

Coach DeBerry used to tell his players the same three things after every game. First, he’d remind them the next day was Sunday. “I’m going to church,” he’d tell them. “I hope you will, too.” Second, he’d encourage them to call their mom and dad and tell them they loved them. Finally, he’d urge his players to remember who they were.

According to Fisher DeBerry, life is a gift and an adventure. He loved his time in Colorado Springs but also believes in the truth found in Ecclesiastes: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” He intends to carry on until they carry him out.

Fisher DeBerry has found the key to happiness and fulfillment: Stay busy. Stay engaged. Keep giving back and never give up.

A good word. Thanks, Paul, for the update on my friend Fisher.

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green. (Psalm 92.12 – 14, NIV)

3 thoughts on “Finishing Strong”

  1. Great to hear about Fisher and his current service. We remember him and LuAnn with fondness. His “finishing strong ” is not surprising and it’s encouraging and convicting, as well. The Ewells are right there alongside.

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