The Man in Seat 12B

We have just returned from nearly a week with 1,400 other Navigators having our quadrennial gathering. This one was at the Irving Convention Center between Dallas and Fort Worth.

(Top left) The Convention Center, (top right) the outside sign advertising our presence (maybe that’s why we had security on every floor!), (bottom left) June and I posing at the massive Navigators sign, (bottom right) Navigators’ US President Marvin Campbell, addressing a small group of us before the large gathering started.

At the opening session Thursday night, US President Marvin Campbell told this amazing story from just a couple of months ago. This is the way I remember it:

I was returning from visiting one of our ministries, and I got on the plane heading for my favorite seat, 12C, on the aisle. And 12B was open. Great! But just before the doors closed a huge guy got on and headed for…you guessed it…12B. So I leaned out into the aisle a bit, got out my Bible and journal, and the guy said, “Are you a preacher?” I said, “Not exactly. I come alongside people and help them follow Jesus.” The guy said, “I’ve had a lot of hard times in my life. Illness of people around me, death. Two years ago, my wife started following Jesus so I left her.” I, drawing my wealth of experience in keeping conversations going said, “Tell me more.”

He continued, “I couldn’t live with someone who would follow a God who would treat me like God has treated me.” I said, “Tell me more.” He said, “But it’s been a miserable two years, I have kids, so I’m on my way back to try to reconcile.” I said, “Have you ever read the Bible?” “No.” “Well, I have a little diagram that helps people understand the message of the Bible. Would you like to see it?”

He said, “Tell me more!” so I took the little airplane napkin and drew the BRIDGE illustration in all of its detail. When I was finished, he was crying like a baby. He prayed to receive Christ. I left him my travel Bible, and we have been texting back and forth as he’s been reading the Gospel of Mark.

What a great story! But it’s not just about Marvin’s reaching out to a guy in need when he’d rather be resting. It’s about God. The guy told Marvin that he was dropped off at the airport by a pastor who said that he would pray that God would send him a man. The guy was flying standby and had been bumped from three flights before boarding Marvin’s flight and sitting in 12B.

I’m motivated to have my antenna up to come alongside the people God drops into my life! Who is my next 12B? Who is yours?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect… (1 Peter 3.15, NIV)

PS Please pray for the guy in seat 12B. Marvin said that after talking with him regularly for several weeks, it’s been several weeks since he’s heard from him.

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