The Prayer Hand – 2

Yesterday we looked at The Navigators’ Prayer Hand, which reminds us of the basic elements to include in our praying. One of those elements was “Intercession.” Today, I’ll share with you a tool I just learned about that suggests how we might intercede.

My friend and former pastor John Ed Mathison is still going strong at age 85. Maybe part of the reason for that is his father, “Brother Si” Mathison preached into his 90s. Recently, John Ed shared his father’s teaching on prayer. I worked for John Ed for five years and heard his dad preach several times, but never this sermon.

John Ed writes:

[Brother Si] preached almost every Sunday until he was over 90 years old. He had one sermon that he preached hundreds of times. He called it the “5-Finger Prayer Plan.” It was his plan for praying.

He would hold up his hand and say…

  1. The Thumb is closest to you, so prayer begins with members of your family, small groups, and close friends, etc.
  2. The Pointing Finger. This is the one we use to point to people or to give directions. Pray for all people in places of leadership, politically, religiously, economically, etc. Pray for our leaders who are pointing out the way that we need to go. Pray for teachers and preachers who are pointing to the truths of life.
  3. The Longest Finger. When you hold up your hand, the middle finger is the longest. Pray for people who can make the longest, lasting influence. Pray for the difference-makers you know.
  4. The Ring Finger. We are told that this is our weakest finger. Pray for the poor, the weak, the handicapped, the homeless, etc. It also bears the wedding ring, so pray for your spouse.
  5. The Pinkie Finger. This is the smallest finger. This is a time to pray for yourself. When we learn to pray for others before we pray for ourselves, it puts us in a better position to ask God to take our small gifts and turn them into big opportunities. Pray that you may decrease in order for Him to increase!

This was my Dad’s plan for praying. He used it every day. He preached about it everywhere.The Five Finger Prayer Plan, John Ed Mathison, August 16, 2023

I recommend the short article in its entirety. John Ed closes with:

I commend [the Five-Finger Prayer Plan] to you. Look at your hand every day and be reminded of how to pray. This plan will help you concentrate, be specific, be inclusive, and learn about God’s plan and purpose for you.

The Apostle Paul was big on prayer:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2.1, 2, NIV, emphasis mine)

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