Do you have kids or grandkids who always have their noses in their phones, even when they’re supposed to be talking with you? We have a 17-year-old granddaughter who is like that. Always has been. She always has a screen in her hand, and she is (pick one) playing a game, reading a book, or texting with her friends.

June had an epiphany the other day. You probably had it a long time ago, but for us it’s new. June was following up with the granddaughter by text on something that had come up the last time they were together. They exchanged three or four text messages – the semblance of an actual conversation! Then it hit us:

If you want to reach someone who texts all the time…text them!


We’re not the first. Paul wrote about it a long time ago:

…I entered their world and tried to experience things from their point of view… (1 Corinthians 9.22, MSG)

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