The very air they breathe…

I try to make every blog in the Ewellogy meaningful, but I’m not sure I’m going to succeed with this one, but this is too…something…not to share. See what you think.

I received a text from my good friend Thomas the other day. Thomas and I met in a discipling relationship for several years before he and his wife, Danielle, went to North Carolina so she could work as a nurse at the Duke University hospital. Here’s a sentence from the text, a sentence I didn’t understand:

I take you with me on every underwater adventure at sea.

Say what? Then he sent a clarifying picture:

I’m pretty sure that June and I have never before had SCUBA tanks named for us!

GOD formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living soul! (Genesis 2.7, MSG)

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! (Psalm 150.6, ESV)

3 thoughts on “The very air they breathe…”

  1. Well, I think it is awesome.

    Breath. I recently read that breathing is an act of saying God’s name. That’s powerful. It’s life giving. With every breath we take, we honor God.

    How wonderful that your friend has done this for you and June.

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