In the beginning, God…

Wow! Welcome to 2023. Time to start our Bible reading plan for the year, and this year it’s different!

If you want to read the Bible through in one year, the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan is among the most doable: 25 readings each month, each from four different places in the Bible. It’s a lot of work, but it can be done.

For a couple of years now, we’ve used The Navigators’ 5x5x5 reading plan for the New Testament: 1 chapter/day, 5 days/week. We liked the leisurely pace so much, with time to meditate on what we were reading, that June said, “Why don’t we broaden that concept to include the Old Testament?” So we did.

June and I developed a reading plan to go through each section of the Old Testament at the rate of one chapter/day, five days/week. This year, we start at the beginning, “a very good place to start.” We have 260 reading days (5 days/week x 52 weeks), and the Pentateuch (Genesis – Deuteronomy) doesn’t have 260 chapters, so we’ve added in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John.

Join me! We called the New Testament year 1, and we did that last year, so now we have Year 2: Pentateuch. Some of this year’s blog entries will come from these readings.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1.1, ESV)

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? (Isaiah 43.19, ESV)

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