Continuing our look at vignettes from the narratives of Jesus’ birth, it’s easy to skip over this verse:
And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. (Luke 2.8, ESV)
Who were the first visitors to the newborn Jesus?
Working men…at work!
God values work. God values ordinary people doing ordinary work. A few weeks ago, it had snowed on garbage collection day. Not a lot, but it was cold, and the roads were snow-packed as June and I drove down our street toward the grocery store. And there was the garbage truck. Bless ’em. I thanked the dude for coming out on such a day to pick up our garbage.
And these ordinary men responded way better than the educated elites in Jerusalem (stay tuned!):
And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. (Luke 2.16, ESV, emphasis mine)
And where did they go after encountering Jesus?
Back to work!
And the shepherds returned… (Luke 2.20, ESV)