Yesterday, I reported research that found that people who engage with the scripture 4 or more days/week experience way more benefits than those who don’t. That said, I still think we should aim for 7 for 7, not just 4 for 7. Here’s why:
Years ago, I was talking with Willie Peterson of Dallas Seminary about the importance of consistency, and he made this observation:
Today’s discipline preserves the effects of yesterday’s discipline. – Dr. Willie Peterson
Later, after I shared this concept in a presentation, author Kennon Callahan, who was in the audience, told me:
Today’s discipline sets up the effectiveness of tomorrow’s discipline. – Dr. Kennon Callahan
So we’re linking our disciplines together, forming, as Dr. Peterson told me, a lifelong chain. When I miss one day, I lose more than one day’s benefits: I cancel some of yesterday’s gains and lose some of tomorrow’s.
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up. (Psalm 5.3, NKJV)
Ouch!! Thanks for the kick in the rear!