He has come!
9 For the perfect Light of Truth was coming into the world
and shine upon everyone.
10 He entered into the world he created,
yet the world was unaware.
11 He came to the people he created—
to those who should have received him,
but they did not recognize him.
12 But those who embraced him and took hold of his name
he gave authority to become
the children of God!
13 He was not born by the joining of human parents
or from natural means, or by a man’s desire,
but he was born of God.
14 And so the Living Expression
became a man and lived among us! (John 1.9 – 14, TPT)
Merry Christmas! It was great to see you and June at Christmas Eve service last night. You played beautifully.
Thanks, Kathleen. It was good to see you all too. You did a great job with the candle-lighting. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to y’all!
Thanks. You too! 🎄