Do the math

I usually don’t get into current events, but as a math guy, I can’t let this one go. CNN has posted this headline:

I looked up the population of the U.S. in 1918:

Note that the US population has more than tripled since 1918. The headline should NOT be “despite 103 years of medical advances…” but “BECAUSE of 103 years of medical advances, the COVID-19 pandemic has killed 1/3 the proportion of Americans than were killed in the 1918 flu pandemic.”

In fairness, the fine print of the article does include something like what I just wrote.

What are the percentages? So far, according to the official numbers, we have 675,000 deaths from COVID-19 with a population of 328 million. That’s 0.2 percent. (One-fifth of one percent) In 1918, if we had 675,000 deaths, that’s 0.6 percent. (Just over one-half of one percent)

I’m not trying to minimize COVID-19. I’ve known people who were very sick and friends of friends have died. But a bit of perspective is in order.

Unequal weights are an abomination to the LORD, and false scales are not good. (Proverbs 20.23, ESV)

Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. (Isaiah 8.12, ESV)

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