At age 74, I experienced this verse on Saturday:
So no wonder we don’t give up. For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. (2 Corinthians 4.16, TPT, emphasis mine)
I cut the grass with my electric lawn mower (not self-propelled!) for the first time since 2017. With knee surgeries in 2018 and 2020, I’ve been using either the old tractor I got from my neighbor when he moved or I’ve hired it done. Two hours over two sessions, and I was beat! (This being the first cutting of the season, the tractor wouldn’t start.)
Anyway, I felt OK while doing it, but after, I think I feel my age. It’s a good thing the Lord promised us new bodies! These verses make more sense as I get older!
So, while living in this “tent,” we groan under its burden, not because we want to die but because we want these new bodies. We crave for all that is mortal to be swallowed up by eternal life. And this is no empty hope, for God himself is the one who has prepared us for this wonderful destiny. And to confirm this promise, he has given us the Holy Spirit, like an engagement ring, as a guarantee. That’s why we’re always full of courage. Even while we’re at home in the body, we’re homesick to be with the Master—for we live by faith, not by what we see with our eyes. We live with a joyful confidence, yet at the same time we take delight in the thought of leaving our bodies behind to be at home with the Lord. So whether we live or die we make it our life’s passion to live our lives pleasing to him. (2 Corinthians 5.4 – 9, TPT)
I am grateful for the science that has restored my hips. Also that my body still has the ability to heal with relative ease. Yet I am so looking forward to the transformation that will come with my new body. As I read Bible verses, along with the ones you share with your insights, I realize the lessons to be learned and comforts taken are pretty much endless.