The Source of the Music

Moses’ forgetting that the power was God’s, not the staff’s, reminds me of a story told about an arrogant orchestra leader. It goes something like this:

A city orchestra hired a new conductor who was reputed to be quite good. Everyone looked forward to his coming. However, it turned out that he was very arrogant and treated the orchestra badly. Every rehearsal he berated them for their lack of skill, poor direction-taking, and general lack of musicality. This went on and on. Finally, they scheduled their first concert. The townspeople filled the auditorium. The orchestra members filed onto the stage and took their places. Finally, the conductor came out, took his place on the podium, and raised his baton. When he gave the signal to begin, no one played. He tried again. Still nothing. Finally, the Concertmaster, the first violinist, got up and whispered in his ear:

Maestro, never forget that no music comes out of that stick!

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. (John 15.5, NIV)

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