Blessing Others

Can we take a break from the doom and gloom for a feel-good story?

I got June a standing desk for Christmas (actually, it’s motorized and goes up and down), and it inspired me. I’ve had the same large corner desk unit in my downstairs office since we moved in 2006. It has served well, but I suddenly visualized myself working while standing and looking out the window. Question: how to get rid of the existing desks so I would have room for my own standing desk? Answer: post it on!

NextDoor is the web site that allows you to join by physical neighborhood, and in addition to the other benefits it has (like finding lost pets!), it’s great for getting rid of household items. Sometimes I just put stuff out by the street, post a picture of it on NextDoor, and it’s gone within minutes.

In this case, even though I put a low price on the desk set, I didn’t get any interest for a few days. So, I prayed about it! (Always a last resort…) I prayed that there would be someone out there who needed that desk and would enjoy it. And within minutes, someone established contact. To make a long story short, they loved the desk even though they had to take it apart and reassemble at home. She sent me pictures.

The corner desk set in its new home, used as two desks.

She wrote,

I can’t thank you enough! It’s beautiful. Thank you. So happy my mom van worked for transport. Take care. Happy mom over here. And the current small desk one of the boys is using we are posting for free. Paying it forward.

And in the process, another lady wrote to ask about the carpet protector (for a rolling office desk chair) in one of my pictures. I said it wasn’t for sale since I was getting a new desk. But then I decided I didn’t need it after all. This lady was a school teacher, and they had cleared all the furniture out of their school after a COVID outbreak. She came over and picked up the office chair and carpet protector. She said she was “over the moon” excited.

Sometimes there are easy ways to bless people that are win-win. I needed to get rid of some stuff. There were people who needed that stuff.

Don’t hoard treasure… (Matthew 6.19, MSG)

Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” (Luke 6.38, MSG)

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