I wrote yesterday that religion alone isn’t enough to guarantee good behavior. Religious people go to church and sometimes hear the Word preached, but even Jesus said that wasn’t necessarily enough:
The seed that falls into the weeds represents the hearts of those who hear the word of God but their growth is quickly choked off by their own anxious cares, the riches of this world, and the fleeting pleasures of this life. This is why they never become mature and fruitful. The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keeping it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives. (Luke 8.14, 15, Passion Translation)
There’s a difference between those who bear fruit and those who don’t. Both hear the word. But in one case, the word is choked by anxious cares, riches of the world, and the fleeting pleasures of this life. The other group responds to the word. It is, as I wrote last week, the difference between “showing up” and actual engagement.
Now that you’ve cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it. Your new life is not like your old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm; your new birth comes from God’s living Word. Just think: a life conceived by God himself! (1 Peter 1.22, 23, MSG)