The Sacrifice of Praise

This is too good not to share.

I’ve written before about Frank and Sally Dennis, still active at age 90. Sally just went to be with Jesus in April. This is a post I received from Frank in mid-June, reproduced as he wrote it, including the emphases:

Sunday afternoon, quiet, lovely day with sunshine and flowers, scan the Gazette and sit. I decided to fold my T-shirts so they will fit in the drawer.

And as I sat folding T-shirts I began to laugh.  What a sloppy job! I almost might as well wad them up and shove them in the drawer (but they won’t all fit then).

And then I began to cry.  The only thing Sally could do was fold laundry.  And she did it like the factory. Neat and smooth.  And that was the only thing she could do around the house. Because she needed two hands on the walker she couldn’t cook, clean, garden or the many other easy things for most people. And she was so proud of the neat T-shirts and I would praise her.  And I began to cry.  Sobbing.  How sad that was all she could do.  How sad she was happy to be able to do something for me even if it was just to fold T-shirts.

But it wasn’t all she could do!  She cheered me up. She smiled. She cuddled and held my hand when we watched Hallmark movies. She would go to sleep in my arms in bed. She was my joy and love.

And then I told myself:  She is happy with Jesus, her parents, her brothers, the many friends and I am happy,  healthy (for my age) with a nice house, beautiful view, flowers, birds feeding at the west window, many friends. opportunities to speak for Jesus, books to read, TV to watch…  Just a little lonely and missing that smile.

The human brain, the mind and the emotions, are very complex and difficult to understand and control.  But the will is what we can control and I stand before God to give account of what I do with that will.  Am I  yielding it to my Master Jesus.? “Lord, what would you have me to do?” 

He says “Offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving!” 

Right! I’ll do it.  Lord, I am so thankful for the 66 years we had together, for the 5 children, the 11 grandchildren that all love me and for the 11 great-grandchildren I can love and pray for, for the years in Taiwan and the innumerable friends and patients there and ……….” and I am fine.  

Thank you Lord Jesus.  I can rejoice! (With just a few dips in the road).

Frank Dennis, an old child of the King

Thanks for the example, Frank. May we all finish as well.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4.13, NLT)

Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High. (Psalm 50.14, ESV)

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