
In the midst of continuous bad news, some people are making a conscious effort to find and share good news. BreakPoint reported on April 6, that actor John Krasinski (“The Office”) has started a YouTube broadcast called “Some Good News.” What caught my eye were these sentences in the BreakPoint article:

On the inaugural SGN (or Some Good News) broadcast, former star of The Office, John Krasinski showed a video of Alabama man John Kline, visiting his bride of decades through the window of her retirement home that he’s no longer allowed to visit. Though she’s suffering from Alzheimer’s, she remembered the words of “Amazing Grace,” and they sang it together through the window.

It’s a great story on its own except I know John Kline! And his wife Ann. I sat under his teaching at Maxwell Air Force Base (Montgomery, AL) back in the early 80s. He’s a believer, and we reconnected when we went back to Montgomery 2001 – 2006. Then he was attending the church where I served on staff.

The snippet of SNG is worth listening to: it’s about one minute, beginning around 4 minutes and 30 seconds into this episode. In addition to being an excellent communicator and lay Bible teacher, John has an excellent singing voice. Again, note that Ann, even with Alzheimer’s, still knows the words to “Amazing Grace.”

John and Ann Kline, Montgomery, AL

Good job, John! And thanks to John Krasinski and BreakPoint for reporting it.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4.8, NIV)

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her… (Ephesians 5.25, NIV)

2 thoughts on “Uplifting”

  1. Marty and I have been watching SGN. It’s sweet. I taught John Kline’s material and was taught it in my career. Thank God for giving John another time to shine.

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