God Directs Our Days

Friday, Sputnik Day(!), we took our granddaughter Kesley to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in honor of her recent 14th birthday. (She was out of school that day.) The plan had been to pick her up from swim team Thursday afternoon, keep her overnight, go to the zoo, and drop her at her mother’s after. While at the zoo, the plan changed, and her mother asked that Kesley be taken to her other grandmother’s (Anna) instead. No problem.

June and Kesley feeding the giraffes at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
June and Kesley feeding the giraffes at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

When we approached Anna’s house we saw a small Yorkshire terrier that looked like our silky terrier, Babo, only smaller. He appeared to be unattended as he walked down the sidewalk. So when we got to Anna’s we asked some neighbors if that was their dog, and they said no. After a few minutes of following him up and down the street, I picked up the dog and gave him to Anna who took him gladly since he reminded her of a dog she had that died a few years ago. Anna said she would post something on the neighborhood web site. 

The short ending is that they finally went door-to-door and found the owner who was actually visiting from out of town. That family had been distraught over the loss of their dog and was overjoyed and very grateful when our granddaughter returned him. Kesley called June with the good news.

The point is that God orchestrated our day to be there for that dog. We weren’t planning to be in that neighborhood at all, and then we arrived at the precise time to see the dog. 2 minutes earlier or later, and we would have gone straight to Anna’s, dropped Kesley, and left. 

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. (Mark 10.29, ESV)

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30.21, ESV)

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