A better title would be “For better or for worse.”
I met Tom and Jan Falconer last weekend at Spring Canyon near Buena Vista, Colorado. Tom is a high energy, joyful guy, retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, a staff missionary with Officers’ Christian Fellowship. But that’s not what impressed me.
After the first meeting, I saw him helping his wife into her wheelchair. To get her out of the chair in which she was sitting and transfer her into her wheelchair, he stands in front of her, she puts her arms around his neck, and he helps her to a standing position. At that point, before the transfer, there’s a pause…a pause for them to embrace, for him to whisper in her ear, in other words, PDA! (public display of affection).
I asked him later what her illness was. He replied, “She has MS. She’s been in that wheelchair for 30 years.” When I said how much I admired the way I saw them relate to each other, he responded,
It’s the way God has chosen for us to do ministry.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. (Ephesians 5.25, ESV)
So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. (1 Peter 4.19, NIV)
Wow! What a great story and what a marvelous application of Eph 5.25.