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My neighbors had a couple of men over last week to do some kind of lawn project. I didn’t know exactly what they were going to do, even when I saw a huge pile of blocks. The blocks were in such disarray, I didn’t know if they had torn them out and the blocks were on their way to the dump or if they were incoming! But in a few days, there was a beautiful wall.
I didn’t watch them at work, but I know how they did it: one block at a time.
Often we’re in the middle of a mess and don’t know what to do. Or we see the situation as hopeless. Maybe we just have to move the next block. Or, as the old poem says: do the next thing. (It’s worth the read, and this rendition of it has a picture of a wall!)
Sometimes we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option. (2 Corinthians 4.8, Passion Translation)
Good metaphor, especially when I think about the reluctance to even start with the first block!
Yes. Starting is hard!
Great example of what can be done. Just as you & Wolfgang pointed out….getting started can be the most difficult step in the process.