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My friend Rod and I go back to high school days (not the same high school, and he was a year ahead!). Anyway, Rod grew up in South Carolina, too, and he shared a funny story with me the other day:
I can’t remember if I have told you the following: Do you ever listen/watch Paul Finebaum on ESPN/SEC network? Someone called in to his show and was ranting about those Clemson fans who swarmed into towns and passed around all those phony 2-dollar bills, bilking the local merchants. Paul said, “Um, I hate to tell you, but, those 2-dollar bills are real currency!” It was so funny! The guy actually thought the bills were fake! LOL
I’ll have to admit that I didn’t know about the tradition: I haven’t been to a Clemson game since I graduated in 1968, and the tradition started in 1977.
Here’s my point: Mark E commented on one of my posts: “Recreational outrage is America’s most popular indoor sport.” Here’s an example of a fellow upset, taking the time and energy to call a sports talk show, ranting about something he knows nothing about. In an age where it’s common for people to say that there’s no such thing as truth, that your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth, this dude was wrong…and upset over nothing.
Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” (John 18.38, ESV)
He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him. (Proverbs 18.13, NKJV)
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