On January 6, 2019, I committed to publishing a daily blog. Today, October 1, 2021, is Day 1000!
(Actually, on September 28, three days ago, I published my 1000th blog because on three different days I published two blogs. I had to decide which milestone to recognize, and June suggested 1000 days, so here we are!)
What does it mean? In the grand scheme of things, probably not much. But I have learned and grown from the discipline of it. And, as Cal Ripkin, holder of Major League Baseball’s record for consecutive games – 2,632 – has written, streaks are important. He writes in his book Just Show Up:
Everyone has a streak of their own – just showing up. We each have personal streaks as a parent, as a friend, in business. Our job is to be there…Billy Joel signed on to play Madison Square Garden once a month or as long as his shows sold out. As of January 2019, he’s played to almost sixty consecutive full houses. When he was asked why he does it, Joel said, “I’m not doing it to break records. I’m doing it because that’s what I do.”…All you can do is show up and try your best…You do it because it’s what you do. It’s your job. – Cal Ripkin, Just Show Up, excerpts from Chapter 1.
I just noticed that the first blog in the streak indirectly references Simeon’s streak – the importance of daily obedience.
I consider the daily blog part of my job. I don’t pretend that I’m changing the world, but maybe on some days, someone is encouraged or motivated to take an action that, in turn, ripples out. And in that sense, WE are changing the world. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I have a few topics I return to again and again:
- Full participation: Everyone on the Wall!
- The church’s job to equip people for full participation: What’s the Goal?
- Spiritual disciplines: Choices
- Race relations: True Colors
- The importance of work: Motorboats!
As I wrote yesterday about Clemson football, we do the work even when we can’t always see the results.
If you’re a regular or occasional reader, especially if you don’t comment, I have no way of knowing who you are! If you don’t want to comment here, you can write me a note by email, bob@ewell.com. It would be fun to know how the Ewellogy is helping you. (But even if you don’t write, I will! I’ll see you right here tomorrow.)
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks [or writes!], as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4.10, 11, ESV)
This is the post to which I’ve been assigned—keeping you alert with frequent reminders—and I’m sticking to it as long as I live. (2 Peter 1.13, MSG)