What are we asking for?

Solomon’s kingdom is secure, and we have his well-known request for wisdom:

The king went to Gibeon, the most prestigious of the local shrines, to worship. He sacrificed a thousand Whole-Burnt-Offerings on that altar. That night, there in Gibeon, GOD appeared to Solomon in a dream: God said, “What can I give you? Ask.” Solomon said, “You were extravagantly generous in love with David my father, and he lived faithfully in your presence, his relationships were just and his heart right. And you have persisted in this great and generous love by giving him—and this very day!—a son to sit on his throne. And now here I am: GOD, my God, you have made me, your servant, ruler of the kingdom in place of David my father. I’m too young for this, a mere child! I don’t know the ropes, hardly know the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of this job. And here I am, set down in the middle of the people you’ve chosen, a great people—far too many to ever count. Here’s what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?” God, the Master, was delighted with Solomon’s response. (1 Kings 3.4 – 10, MSG)


  • Solomon was in the place of sacrifice, and he had done so extravagantly.
  • God says, “Ask.”
  • Solomon recognizes…
    • That his position is a gift
    • That he is young and inexperienced
    • That the job is really big.
  • Therefore, Solomon asked for a “God-listening heart” (ESV: “an understanding mind”) so he can lead well and discern the difference between good and evil.

Where are leaders who would recognize they need help and ask for wisdom to lead well? In a democracy where are the people who seek a leader with an understanding mind who will lead well and discern the difference between good and evil (and act appropriately!)?

Naturally, God is delighted with that response:

I’ll give you what you’ve asked for—I’m giving you a wise and mature heart. There’s never been one like you before; and there’ll be no one after. As a bonus, I’m giving you both the wealth and glory you didn’t ask for—there’s not a king anywhere who will come up to your mark. And if you stay on course, keeping your eye on the life-map and the God-signs as your father David did, I’ll also give you a long life. (1 Kings 3.12 – 14, MSG)

And we immediately have the story of the two prostitutes and the dead baby (see 1 Kings 3.16 – 22 for the setup).

The king said, “What are we to do? This woman says, ‘The living son is mine and the dead one is yours,’ and this woman says, ‘No, the dead one’s yours and the living one’s mine.’ ” After a moment the king said, “Bring me a sword.” They brought the sword to the king. Then he said, “Cut the living baby in two—give half to one and half to the other.” The real mother of the living baby was overcome with emotion for her son and said, “Oh no, master! Give her the whole baby alive; don’t kill him!” But the other one said, “If I can’t have him, you can’t have him—cut away!” The king gave his decision: “Give the living baby to the first woman. Nobody is going to kill this baby. She is the real mother.” (1 Kings 3.23 – 27, MSG)

Bingo. A brilliant decision process, of course. Today, we’d just do a DNA test! Or today, there wouldn’t be any babies – they both would have had an abortion. Pregnancies interfere with a prostitute’s livelihood.

An answer to Solomon’s prayer for wisdom. What are we asking for?

Do you ask The Lord of the Universe for peanuts, toys, and trinkets, or for NATIONS and continents? – Dawson Trotman

The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” (Psalm 2.7, 8, ESV)

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Luke 10.2, ESV)

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1.5, ESV)