If you’re a regular reader of the Ewellogy, you know that a frequent theme is daily time with God: a time of reading the scripture and prayer to hear from God. Does such a discipline really matter? The answer is YES, according to research done by the Center for Bible Engagement. They surveyed over 400,000 people worldwide:
400,000 people, and here is the main finding:
A key discovery from the CBE research is that the life of someone who engages scripture 4 or more times a week looks radically different from the life of someone who does not. In fact, the lives of Christians who do not engage the Bible most days of the week are statistically the same as the lives of non-believers. (Emphasis mine)
Those who engaged with scripture 4 or more times per week were:
- Less likely to feel lonely
- Less likely to have anger issues
- Less likely to experience bitterness in relationships
- Less likely to struggle with alcoholism
- Less likely to feel spiritually stagnant
- Less likely to view pornography
The researchers attach various percentages to these findings as do the commentators on this 2-minute summary video. Even though I’m a math guy, I don’t put much stock in numbers associated with social science research – it’s hard to measure humans! But there seems to be no question that regular engagement with God through the scripture is important and beneficial.
Moreover, I’m encouraged by the magic number 4 days/week. Actually, it’s “4 or more.” That is, most days. But 4 out of 7 is doable! I was working with a man once who asked me, “How many days a week are you expecting me to have daily time with God? I want to hit my marks.” I said, “How many days are in a week? Why would you set a goal for fewer than 7?” That said, we all miss a day now and then. And it’s OK! The Bible reading plan I recommend calls for 5 days/week. We’re not after perfection, but consistency over time.
If you’re not doing it, please start! And aiming for 4+ days/week is a worthy and achievable goal.
Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 8.34, 35, ESV)
PS I’m indebted to my friend and fellow Navigator Dane Allphin for reminding me of this research as I exchanged emails with him on this article.